Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Zie ook: CSS – Javascript
- Informatie
- Alleycode: free HTML editor
- Anybrowser – for a browser-independant WWW
- ComputerHope: Internet Help Page, HTML Help
- Dan’s Web Tips
- EchoEcho: tutorials
- EvrSoft: 1st Page 2000/2006 (free HTML editor)
- Internet Literacy Consultants
- Hitmill
- HTMLrev: templates
- How to build websites
- HSGuide: Homesite, Javascript, Stylesheets, …
- HTML Basix
- HTML Center
- HTML Crash course
- HTML Character Entities Cheat Sheet (DaveChild)
- HTML Made really easy (J. Marshall)
- HTML Power tools
- The HTML Station
- HTML Source
- HTML Station
- Lunascape: hybrid engine browser (Trident+Gecko+WebKit) to check different browsing engines at once
- Marcaria: learn about domains & HTML
- Metatags: zoekmachines en HTML
- Mobility
- Mozilla Developer Network
- Openweb: pour les standards du web (FR)
- SelfHTML (DE)
- Sitebuilder
- Snapfiles: the place to be for software
- Telerik developer network
- Topics
- XStandard – the makers of XStandard XHTML 1.1 WYSIWYG Editor
- W3C
- W3schools
- The WDVL – Web Developers Virtual Library
- Web Design Group
- Webreference
- Wellstyled: CSS & webdesign workshop
- WHATWG community
- WWW Consortium
- Stylesheets: klik hier
- Tutorials vind je o.m. bij:
- Validators (meer…)
- Demo
- Applications
- Aloha
- Bomomo
- Bootstrap-wyswiwyg
- Easy Game Maker
- LucidChart: collaborative diagramming
- Mercury
- Puzzlescript
- Youtube HTML5
- Info
- Caniuse: supported features per browser
- HTML 5 and web standards (Apple)
- Compatibility
- VintageJS: photo
- Editors / creation
- Animatron
- Atom: a hackable editor for the 21st century
- BlueGriffon
- CreateJS
- HTML5maker
- Intel Developer Zone
- Maqetta
- Mugeda
- Tumult hype
- Online
- HTML 5 & games
- Tutorials
- Tools
- Aloha editor
- Animatron is a simple and powerful online tool that allows you to create stunning HTML5 animations and interactive content
- Bootmetro: Metro style web framework
- Buzz: Javascript HTML5 audio library
- Emmet: plugin for many popular text editors which greatly improves HTML & CSS workflow
- Google webfonts
- Foundation: responsive front-end framework
- Free HTML 5 templates
- HTML5boileplate is a professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.
- HTML5Pattern: source of regularly-used input patterns
- HTML5up: template canvas
- HTML Kickstart: HTML5, JS, CSS building blocks
- HTML Table Generators – DIV Table
- Literally Canvas: an extensible, open source (BSD-licensed), HTML5 drawing widget
- PxLoader: javascript preloader for HTML5 apps
- Sencha Touch: HTML5 mobile app platform with over 50 built-in components, themes for every mobile platform, and a built-in MVC system.
- SproutCore
- Stitches: HTML5 sprites generator
- Teststudio
- When can I use…
- WinJS (Windows development)
- Animations
- Animatron
- Html5maker: online free animation maker
- Mugeda
- Editors (gratis…)
- Drawter (online): draw your website
- Codeanywhere (online)
- Dreamweaver
- Drawter (online)
- Arachnophilia
- CoffeCup
- Magix
- ShiftEdit (online)
- Sitoo
- Web Acapella