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Mobile OSes
- Apps
- Android
- AppBrain
- AppsApk
- Archos
- Best Android Apps Review
- Blackphone: secure phone
- BlueStacks: app player for PC
- Droidwiki
- Droidapp
- FrAndroid (FR)
- Memu: emulator
- Andromo: make Android apps for free
- App Inventor
- AppsGeyser: create an Android app for free
- HyperNext Android Creator
- Kingo: Android Root
- Talk Android
- Android Wear
- iPhone
- J2ME / JME
- Arduino CC
- Cisco
- IoT-A: Internet of Things – Architecture
- IoT council, a thinktank for the Internet of Things
- IoT School (Microsoft)
- Microsoft
- Microsoft dev
- Texas Instruments
- Waylay
Virtual Reality
Development: services
- AppDevelopment
- App Lab
- Appsgeyser: create Android apps from any web content
- Fluid: turn your favorite web apps into real Mac apps
- Intellictsoft
- Peopleware
- Snappii
- Tapptic: apps for all screens
- Twipe: digital publishing platform
Development: online platforms
- Andromo: Android app maker
- App Inventor: Android
- appmakr
- AppMachine
- AppMakr
- AppsBar
- Apps-Builder: Build your native apps for iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone, Chrome Store and HTML5 Webapp
- AppsGeyser: create apps from web content
- Appspot (Google)
- Apptooltester
- Appy Builder
- App.Yet: create an application from RSS feed
- Appypie
- BuzzTouch
- Caspio
- Dropsource
- GameSalad
- Good Barber
- iBuildApp
- Meteor: build Javascript apps
- MobileRoadie
- No code
- Redfoundry
- Thunkable
Development: tools
- Amazon
- Android Studio: The Official IDE for Android
- App.js
- Appcelerator Titanium
- ChocolateChip-UI: a mobile web framework
- Codester: templates
- Flurry: analytics
- Framework 7: HTML framework
- Genymotion: app testing on various platforms
- Komodo IDE: The Best IDE for Web and Mobile App Development
- Kotlin
- Minify: is your website mobile friendly?
- MobBase
- Nativescript: Javascript to develop native iOS and Android apps
- ParticleUI: No Code App Builder
- business apps with little or no coding
- Xamarin (Documentation)
- Xcode includes everything you need to create amazing apps for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, and Apple TV
- Webmaker (Android)
QR codes: create / maken
Zie ook/See also:
- CompanionLink software
- De Standaard Mobilia
- Prey lets you keep track of your laptop, phone and tablet whenever stolen or missing
Andere: software op USB stick
- Gajin
- LiberKey: make an application portable
- Lupo Pensuite
- Opera@USB
- PendriveApps
- PortableApps
- Tech Support, Manuals & Troubleshooting for Consumers Tech Support, Manuals & Troubleshooting for Consumers WinPenPack (IT)
- Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project
- Adalo: no code apps design & development
- mobile application platform
- AppMakr
- Buildfire: iOS & Android
- DHTMLX: Free JavaScript Mobile Framework for HTML5 Web Apps
- GoodBarber
- Progressive web apps
- Sencha
- Twinr
- Webassembly (WASM)
- Web into app
- Yeoman: the web’s scaffolding tool for modern webapps
- Office for Android
- Portableapps
- TeamViewer
- Google Sync
- Funambol Snap & Sync!
- LiveUSB-creator
- 7-Zip portable
- GIMP portable
- Lupo pensuite
- Mobile Firefox – Fennec project
- Mobile Sync Pro
- SyMenu: customizable USB menu