Reading Time: 3 minutes
- General
- ATALA – Association pour le traitement automatique des langues
- CALICO: Computer Assisted Language Instruction Center
- Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL)
- Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA)
- e-JournALL e-Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages
- Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung (Universität Stuttgart)
- International Association for Task-Based Language Teaching (IATBLT)
- Language Learning & Technology (journal)
- LinguistList
- Microsoft Terminology Translations
- Multilingual Computing
- MyLanguageExchange
- Surfing for Slang: the World’s Cool Slang Link Bank
- UltraLingua (dictionary software)
- Verbix: conjugation software
- Vocabulary Training Exercises (English, German, French, Spanish)
- Werkmap voor taalonderwijs
- Wordorigins
- ALTE: European Association of Language Testers
- Europees Referentiekader Talen
- Europees Taalportfolio
- Journals
- Teaching / studying
- Association des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes
- Babbel: learn languages online (Spanish, French, Italian, English, German)
- CAL: center for applied linguistics
- Dexway: learn language online
- FILTA: Film in Language Teaching Association
- LiveMocha: Language Learning Community
- Lulu: free self-publishing
- Language Learning and Technology (journal)
- Rosetta Stone: language learning software
- Teacher Support Plus (Cambridge UP)
- Evaluation / Assessment
- Text-to-speech
- Acapela
- Amberscript
- Cepstral
- DSpeech
- Dubverse
- Forvo
- iSpeech
- Language Reader (freeware)
- NaturalReader
- NeXTeNS: Open Source Text-to-Speech for Dutch
- NextUp: TextAloud
- ReadSpeaker
- ReadPlease
- ReadVox
- RoboBlather
- SitePal: pratende figuren maken online
- Speechgen
- Speechify
- Speechlogger (web)
- Speak-A-Message
- Surfy: TTS browser
- Text from/to Speech
- TTS Demo
- TTSMaker
- Verbawave
- Browser plugins
- Translation / see also on line translation
- Association of Translation Companies
- ATAnet: American Translators Association
- Cadernos de tradução
- Deepl
- European Association foer Terminology
- Eur-lex proposes side-by-site multilingual texts
- GALA Globalization and Localization Association
- KudoZ Term Questions: Translators helping translators
- Linguee: online dictionary that gives real contexts in which the proposed terms are used
- MultiCorpora: translation software
- National Council on Interpreting in Health Care
- Proz: translator community
- Reverso
- Risicoskouts (DE)
- Software voor vertalers
- TRADOS TranslationZone
- TraduQtiv – Traduction et qualité: transmission, information et veille.
- Trans-K: Glossary of translation and interpretation terminology
- Translation Dictionary: portal for freelance translators and translation agencies
- Translation Journal
- Translation Office 3000
- TranslatorsCafé
- TrueTerm
- Ultralingua: dictionary, translation and grammar software
- WordFast: translation software
- WorldLingo
- Translation journals
- ATA Chronicle
- Babel | Revue internationale de la traduction / International Journal of Translation
- JoSTRrans: the journal of specialised translation
- Journal of Translation
- Machine Translation
- Meta: journal des traducteurs
- Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice
- Target | International Journal of Translation Studies
- Terminology | International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Issues in Specialized Communication
- The Interpreter and Translator Trainer
- The Translator
- TRANS: revista de traductología
- Translation & Interpreting
- Translation and Literature
- Translation Journal
- Translation Review
- TTR : Traduction, terminologie, rédaction
- Words Without Borders
- Translation software
- AnyCount: Word Count and Character count software
- CatsCradle: web page editor for professional language translators
- Déjà Vu
- MultiTranslator
- Systran
- Translation3000
- Spelling software
- After the deadline
- Fanix Software
- Grammarly: automated proofreader and your personnal grammar coach
- Spellex
- Subtitle software
- CapHacker
- Divx-titlovi
- Freesubtitles: AI that generates your subtitles
- Handbrake
- Keepsubs: download streaming subtitles
- Multi Translator is a small program that can help with translation of text and subtitles (.srt format only)
- NL Ondertitels
- Podnapisi.NET
- TVsubtitles
- Subtitle Edit (open source)
- Subtitle Processor
- Subtitle Search
- VirtualDub
- Ook:
- Comictagger
- Riverside
- Freesubtitles
- Listenmonster
- Voice recognition / Speech recognition
- Acapela
- Braina
- Cedere
- Dictate
- DictationBox
- Dragon Anywhere
- e-Speaking
- G2 Speech: MediSpeech
- Gboard
- Lipsurf
- Neospeech
- Notta
- Nuance: Dragon Speech Recognition
- Office 365
- Otter
- Philips Speech processing
- ReadSpeaker
- Speech Agent
- Speechnotes
- Talknotes
- TalkTyper
- Transkriptor
- Voice In
- Wizzard
- Transcription
- Amberscript
- Descript
- GoWhisper
- Happyscribe
- Otter
- Rev
- Scribe: video transcriber
- Sonix
- Speechlive
- Temi
- Trint
- Vocalmatic
- Handwriting recognition
- Screen scraping
- Analysis
- Textgain: trustworthy, transparent and explainable human-centered AI solutions that read and understand large amounts of texts
- Other
- Chant: programmer tools (GrammarKit, SpeechKit, LexiconKit, VoiceMarkupKit, ProfielKit)
- CompositionForum
- Praat: doing phonetics by computer
- Talk to Transformer: generate text starting from some words
- Identify a language
- Open software initiatieven
- Jubler is a tool to edit text-based subtitles. It can be used as an authoring software for new subtitles or as a tool to convert, transform, correct and refine existing subtitles.