Reading Time: 4 minutes
Informatie – Información – Información
- AAIC – Aviation Industry CBT Committee
- Anemalab- le laboratoire de la e-formation
- Capterra: LMS systems
- Ecole numérique
- Vlaamse onderwijsblog
- edudib: webinar software
- eLearningIndustry
- elearninglearning
- eLearning Expo (DE)
- e-learning for kids
- e-learning industry
- eLearning Infographics
- e-Learning Queen
- eLearnity
- e-Socrates (IT)
- EPYC for e-learning
- IMS Global Learning Consortium
- International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning
- mLearnopedia: Mobile blog concentrating on mobile technologies for learning
- RED: revista de educación a distancia (SP)
- Teachthought
- The Lerner’s Way
- TE-learning
- Using videoconference (Sinner)
- Weeras platform
- WikiEducator: free elearning content
Instellingen – Institutions
- Internet college (NL)
- KU Leuven: open universiteit
- Open Universiteit Nederland
- The Open University (UK)
- UMAssOnline (University of Massachusetts)
Bedrijven en uitgevers – Editors and companies
- Articulate
- Desire2Learn
- Kineo: e-learning company
- Instructure
Leerplatformen – Plataformas de aprendizaje – Plateformes d’apprentissage – Learning platforms – LMS
- AB Tutor: networked classroom
- Apolearn
- Aula Óptima (eSUMO) (ES)
- Avilar
- Bednet: virtuele leeromgeving om leerachterstand te vermijden bij langdurig zieke kinderen
- Bingel: leerplatform voor basisonderwijs
- Users: KU Leuven, Universidade de Aveiro
- Blinklearning permite a los docentes complementar y crear contenido interactivo ajustado a
las necesidades y ritmos de aprendizaje de cada grupo de estudiantes, así como diagnosticar sus áreas de mejora - BrainX Digital Learning Solutions
- Blinkleanrning
- BlueChain eLearning
- Chalk & Wire
- Chamilo: open
source, easy to use and extensible e-learning and collaboration
platform which will improve your way of learning - Classflow
- Classlife
- Desire2Learn
- Dexway
- Dokeos (open source)
- Hosting: Odsol, NosoloRed (ES)
- User manuals: Dokeos/doc
- Educreations
- efront (open source)
- electa
- elgg: open source learning landscape (with demo on line)
- evolCampus
- FirstClass
- Flipgrid
- Goconqr
- H5P
- HTMLez
- Ilias: flexible and powerful open source learning management system
- Instruxion
- Janison Toolbox
- Joomla LMS (commercial)
- KnowledgePresenter
- Learndash (on WordPress)
- LMS OLAT: Online Learning And Training (open source)
- LifterLMS: Learning Management System for WordPress
- Lumio
- Lon-Capa (open source)
- Matrix LMS
- Mentimeter: tool
to make presentations, meetings, events and classrooms interactive - Mindflash
- Moodle (open source and free)
- Moodle cursus (Wikibooks) (NL)
- NineHub: Moodle services
- Tutorials: Moodle cursus,
- Users: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia…
- Online: Milaulas (ES)
- Hosting: NosoloRed (ES), SiteGround
- Exabis ePortfolio
- Plugins: Moodle plugins directory
- Tools
- QuizPort (TaskChain) is a contributed module which allows teachers to distribute interactive
learning materials to their students and view reports on the students’ responses and results.
- QuizPort (TaskChain) is a contributed module which allows teachers to distribute interactive
- MyLab
- Namaste (on WordPress)
- NetOp
- OneNote in education
- Otus
- Promethean
- Sakai: open source learning environment for educators
- Seqta
- Seppo
- SkillSoft
- Snappet
- Smartschool (BE)
- SonicFoundry: webcasting and knowledge management
- The Education District
- Totara
- Udutu – online course authoring
- VoiceThread: group conversations around images, documents and videos
- Wooclap:real-time stemmen voor lessen of events
- Xaurum
- Xebic
- Xyleme
- MOOC – Massive open online courses
- Info
- Lijsten en platformen
- Class-central
- MOOC francophone
- MOOCs directory
- MOOC list
- MOOC map
- Openclassrooms (FR)
- Providers
- Open Universiteit
- TEDx
- Universidad de Salamanca
- Platformen
- Coursera
- Crehana (ES)
- Domestika
- Edutin
- edX
- iversity
- Miríada X (ES – PT)
- (edX)
- MOOC-ed
- MOOC campus
- MOOC francophone
- NovoEd
- OpenupEd
- Tutellus (ES)
- Udemy
- Begeleiding op afstand – web2.0 leren / distance mentoring – web2.0 learning
- Leerlingvolgsystemen
- Dotcomschool
- Rovict
- Snappet
- Spaces
- Topicus: Vocus, ParnasSys
- Voting
- Web conferencing (meer bij samenwerkingstools)
- BigBlueButton
- Coccinella is a free and open-source cross-platform communication tool with a built-in whiteboard for improved collaboration with other people.
- Flowplayer
- GoToMeeting
- Livestream: broadcast an event
- Polycom
- VSee
- Portfolio’s
- Products
- carbonmade
- Chalk & Wire
- e-Portfolio (Chalk & Wire)
- Khan Academy
- MyStuff (to be integrated with Moodle)
- Onenote Classnotebook
- Open Badges: a new online standard to recognize and verify learning
- Owik: lifelong portfolio
- Pearltrees
- Peppels
- Seesaw
- TaskStream
- Implementations
- Test- en toetsplatform / testing software
- ans assessment platform
- Atrixware
- EasyTestMaker
- EPractice labs: skill assessment
- ExamineYou
- PearsonVue
- php exam management
- Respondus
- Question Mark: a tool for creating on-line evaluations
- Quia
- TestGuru is an Open Source educational, testing, or training software written in TCL/TK.
- Watu Exam Software
- USolv-It
- Wintoets
- Proctor: examens op afstand
- Uitwisselplatformen – Plataformas de intercambio – Plateformes d’échange – Exchange platforms
- Elgg: open source social networking platform.
- Microsoft Sharepoint [meer…]
- VideoAnt: platform voor bekijken en annoteren van video’s
- Meer: cms
- Meer: collaboration
- Meer: web 2.0
- Video conferentie
- Elgg: open source social networking platform.
- Softwarelijsten
- E-leren: andere – Otros – Autres – Other
- Association for Educational Communications and Technology
- AVNet (KU Leuven)
- Classcraft: maak een rollenspel van je klas
- CustomGuide
- CNED: Centre National d’éducation à distance (FR)
- Educaplay: educatieve spellen opzoeken of maken
- Educause: transforming education through information technologies
- Elearningforce DK
- eMarkingassistant: feedback software
- Extended Learning Office
- Fotobabble: foto’s met gelruid ‘ondertitelen’
- Halfbaked Software Creators of HotPotatoes, an authoring system to create (language)
exercises to be read and done in a browser. See also my HotPotatoes page. - Gooroo: connect qith a specialist to learn
- Hiru: portal educativo vasco destinado a prestar servicios públicos de educación a través de internet, mediante la provisión de contenidos gratuitos
- JClic (hlrnet)
- LogiCampus is an open-source Web-based classroom management system.
- Lino: sticky and photo sharing
- Nearpod: interactive lessons
- MIT Open Courseware
- Plickers: laten stemmen in de klas
- Quizlet
- Quizizz
- Rapid e-learning: blog
- Rustici: tools for testing, developing and validating SCORM conformant content
- RM: “exciting learning” – content for ODL
- Shakeq: vote or respond during presentations
- SHIFT eLearning
- Spectrum Virtual University
- Thot: nouvelles de la formation à distance
- UNED – Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (ES)
- UOD: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
- Voki: create speaking avatars
- WannaLearn: free, familiy-safe, online tutorials, guides and instructionally oriented websites on the net
- WeZooZ Academy
- WorldWideLearn: online courses, online learning and online education for adult learners