Reading Time: 2 minutes
Windows 11
Windows 10
- Microsoft
- Windows 10
- Windows 10 Development
- Windows Insider Program
- Internet of Things
- Windows 10 Accessibility
- Official Blog Site of the Windows Core Networking Team
- Development
- Building apps
- Downloads and tools for Windows 10
- Visual Studio (
- Template10
- Windowsondevices
- Cursussen
- aulaClick (ES)
- Microsoft Training
- Nieuws en gebruikers
- Ask Woody
- Tenforums
- Vandal (ES)
- Winbeta
- Windows10update
- WPXBox: news, reviews, help on Windows Phone
- Xataka (ES)
- Windows 10 Transformation UX Pack
Algemeen / General & Tools
- 4sysops: For Windows Administrators
- Aide Windows et Internet
- All Windows
- Application Database
- Tech How-to’s from the Experts
- BlackViper: Windows guides, Windows services
- Computing.Net:
- Bob Cerelli’s Windows page
- James Eshelman
- Gilles Vollant software (WinImage, BootPart, ReadFile, …)
- Into Windows
- LitePC: tweak Windows
- MalekTips
- Martau: Total uninstall
- Nirsoft: tools
- ToutWindows (Laurent Gébeau)
- Tweakhound: Windows XP
- TweakXP
- Unawave (DE)
- WindowsBBS: Help and support forum for Windows
- The Windows Club
- Windows History (DE)
- Windows Powertoys
- Winhelpline: Hilfeseite für Windows
- Wintoys
- Windows Tweaks
- Winwiki
- Wotsit’s Format: the programmer’s file format collection
- ZEDA: Tips & tricks voor WIndowsbeheerders (NL)
- Easywindows: Windows the easy way
- OpenWith: free programs to open files with any extension
- OTFE: Open the file extension
- Microsoft
- Microsoft Knowledge Base
- Windows Client TechCenter
- Windows SysInternals: tools
- MSFN – Microsoft Software Forum Network
- nLite: a GUI for permanent Windows component removal by your choice
- NT Compatible
- PC Win
- ProcessLibrary
- ReactOS is an open source effort to develop a quality operating system that is compatible with Windows NT applications and drivers.
- Scripting: Javascript (hlrnet)
- Smallvoid
- SoftwarePatch: Service Packs and Patches
- Technical Communities
- Online tools
- File Inspect Library: what is that running process?
- Tools
- Aston desktop
- Backup4All
- Crapware verwijderen
- Dovestones: Active Directory Tools
- Driver Magician: backup drivers
- Easy Uefi
- F-find: data retrieval software (disks, flash cards, cameras, pen drives)
- FileBoss
- FileRepair
- FineRecovery
- GoodSync
- Hoverdesk
- IObit: WindowCare, SmartDefrag
- iolo: speeding up Windows
- ImgBurn: burn ISO files
- Laplink PCMover
- Lazesoft: recovery
- Macro Scheduler
- MonkeyJob automates common time consuming file operations. This package can copy, move, split, search, replace, rename, alter case, generate lists, trim, truncate, crop, chop, set attributes, encrypt, decrypt, wipe, delete, extract and more
- Ninite installs free software fast with default settings
- Nirsoft
- ntwind
- Partition Wizard
- Puransoftware
- PrinterShare
- Rapid Environment Editor
- RecoveryBull
- Rixler Password Recovery Software
- Sandboxie: run a program in a sandbox
- Seriousbit: EnhanceMySe7en, EnhanceVista, UndeleteMyFiles
- Uwe Sieber
- Smart PC Utilities
- SugarSync: sync, store, share, backup
- Sysinternals Suite (Microsoft)
- System Information for Windows
- Terabyte: boot manager, partition manager, drive image, drive copy
- TotalIdea
- TrishTech
- TweakNow
- UBCD4Win: Ultimate Boot CD for Windows – recovery CD
- WinAbility
- Wincustomize: themes, skins, wallpapers, …
- WinMount: mount ZIP, RAR, ISO and other files as a virtual drive
- WinTools
- Xteq: registry tools
- Password tools