Ga naar de inhoud
- ADL Data Systems: nursing home software
- Aexis:Healthcare Information Systems
- AHIMA – American Health Information Management Association
- Allscripts
- American Health Care Software Enterprises
- American Nursing Informatics Association (ANIA)
- Ascend Health Care
- Caresolutions: documentenbeheer, zelfevaluatie, risico-analyse (BE)
- CeGeKa
- CMS: Geracc (rusthuis informatisering) – NISplan (personeelsplanning)
- Corilus (BE)
- EGEO: agendabeheer, wachtkamerschermen en meer
- EHDP Expert Health Data Programming – Vitalnet software for analyzing data sets in health care
- Emma
- Epi Info
- General Electic: Healthcare
- Helpilepsy: digital assistant for people with epilepsy and their neurologist
- (medicatiebeheer, patiëntendossier, radiologie, spoedgevallen, …)
- HSMN – Health Systems Management Network
- IBM Healthcare
- IGL paramedische software
- Infohos
- Insite: the largest European Live Clinical Data Network
- iNTERFACEWARE: HL7, ASTM, EDI and X12 messaging
- MAISY Healthcare Software
- mHealthBelgium: platform voor mobiele applicaties
- MI Consultancy: EPD / EMD Systemen (Norma 2000)
- Microsoft Healthcare Users Group
- Nationaal ICT instituut in de zorg
- Online diabetes resources: software
- On-line journal of nursing informatics
- PatientLink Inc.
- SiDiary: diabetes software
- SEEI – Sociedad española de Enfermería Informática e Internet
- SEIS – Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud
- SiDiary: diabetes software
- Simulations Plus
- Televic Healthcare communications and Nurse Call systems
- Tendercare Institute of Medical Informatics
- Xperthis (BE) (ex-ACC, ex-TINA) : Asis (ziekenhuizen), Iris (ouderenzorg), Kid (kinderdagverblijven), Partezis (overige)
- University of Iowa: Nursing informatics
- Vereniging voor informatieverwerking in de zorg
feb 25, 2025 @ 1:30 pm
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