- Medische beelden op Internet
- ADAMimages
- AnatomyAtlases
- Figure1: discover compelling medical cases
- MedImagery.net
- Radiopedia: free educational radiology resource with one of the web’s largest collections of radiology cases and reference articles
- Radpod: Radiology picture of the day
- SciencePhoto
- Sobotta
- The Visible Human project
- NLM (kijk vooral naar de beelden / have a look at the images)
- NLM Insight: segmentation and registration toolkit (open source)
- Chinese Visible Human
- Oefeningen en cursussen
- AuntminnieCME: radiology courses by AuntMinnie
- Educase
- Medlantis
- Quizzes
- Beelden
- YUV / RGB color conversion
- Colormatch (hlrnet)
- Digitale fotografie
- Foto’s on line
- Software:
- Inkscape: Vector Graphics Editor
- GIMP: the GNU Imape Manipulation Program
- Fysische aspecten
- Informatie over bestandsindeling:
- Wikipedia: GIF – JPEG – PNG – SVG – DICOM
- CIE Color Space
- JPEG Compression FAQ
- Lab Color Space
- Portable Network Graphics
- W3C: Scalable Vector Graphics
- The DICOM Standard (Chris Rorden)
- zie Whatis?COM / Wotsit / Filext
- Bedrijven die zich bezighouden met beeldvorming en -verwerking
- 3mensio
- Acuson (diagnostic medical ultrasound systems)
- Agfa Healthcare
- Ambra
- Aquilab
- Artinis: phantoms
- Atlantic Nuclear
- Avreo: complete Radiology Workflow Solutions (RWS) that incorporate all Radiology Workflow services in a single-database, single-server system.
- Barco
- Benetec: gespecialiseerd in de verdeling van diagnostische medische apparatuur en bijhorende verbruiksproducten en accessoires
- Bracco
- Cablon Medical
- Caeleste (BE)
- Carestream Health
- CIMS – Clinical Image Management Systems
- Clearcanvas
- CMX Mecial Imaging
- Del Medical
- Dentrix: Detect AI
- DesAcc
- Dicom Works: free DICOM viewer and converter dedicated to radiologists or people working with DICOM files.
- DOBCO Medical
- Escape Medical Image
- Excel Medical Imaging
- Fluke Biomedical
- Fujifilm Medical Systems Benelux
- Fujitsu
- Gamma Medica
- General Electric Healthcare
- Genesis Medical Imaging
- Guerbet
- Hologic
- icoMetrix: quantifying your images
- Imaginis
- Integrity Medical Systems
- Ixico
- Kodak: health imaging
- Konica Minolta Medical Imaging
- Mach7
- Matrox Imaging
- McKesson
- Medavis
- Medical Communications: PACS, DICOM, Teleradiologie
- Medical Imagery (BE)
- Medical Imaging Solutions
- Medicexchange
- Medicor Imaging
- Medimage
- Medlink Imaging
- Medtronic
- MedX Nuclear Imaging
- Mercury
- Merge: RIS, PACS and DICOM radiology software solutions
- Modus Medical Devices
- Monarch medical
- Nuclear Research & consultancy Group (NRG)
- PDS (Leadtools)
- PenRad Mammography Information System
- Philips
- Polybytes
- Promis Electro Optics (PEO)
- Proscan
- Qaelum
- Quantum
- Qure.ai: Artficial Intelligende for Radiology
- Radiation Products Design
- RadiLens: AI for Healthcare Institutions and Radiology Practices
- RadNet
- Raleigh Radiology
- Realview medical holography
- Rogan-Delft: PACS
- Santesoft
- Schering
- ScImage
- Shimadzu
- Standard Imaging
- Swissray
- Syntermed
- Telemis: image management without films (BE)
- TeraRecon
- Thales
- TransAmerican
- Tromp Medical
- United Imaging
- USARAD: radiology on demand
- Varian
- Viz.ai
- Viztek
- XRayStore.fr
- Ziekenhuizen, universiteiten en onderzoekscentra
- American College of Radiology
- Beaumont
- The Biomedical Reasearch Foundation
- Brugman CREATIS-LRMN: Centre de recherche en imagerie médicale
- Departement Radiologie AZ St-Jan Brugge
- Dr. Cisneros
- EIBIR: European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Research
- FOD Volksgezondheid: publicaties medische beeldvorming (lijst zware toestellen en hun locatie)
- Institut Curie, Section recherche (FR)
- Greenberg Radiology
- Medical Imaging Resource Center, Vancouver
- National Center for Image-Guided Therapy
- RX Brugge (AZ St Jan)
- Southern California Orthopedic Institute Home Page
- UCLA Medical Imaging Informatics
- University of Washington Department of Radiology
- UH Radiology
- Computed Tomography Facility at the University of Texas at Austin (UTCT)
- University of Toronto
- Topics
- Abdominal Radiology
- Applied Radiology
- Brain & Spine Foundation
- BRAVO: Belgian Radiation Oncology Awareness and Visibility Organization
- Carestream – Everything Rad: Perspectives from Carestream on Trends and Technology in Diagnostic Imaging
- CERN Document ServerEUREF: European Reference Organization for Quality Assured Breast Screening and Diagnostic Services
- DenseBreast
- Federaal Agentschap voor Nucleaire Controle
- Dr. Amilcare Gentili’s radiology education publications on the Internet
- EBreast project
- FDA: Medical devices
- FDA: Radiation-Emitting Products
- Grand Challenges in Biomedical Image Analysis
- How stuff works: Health
- Imaios: e-learning for healthcare professionals
- Info-radiology
- Institute of Physics
- ISAS (Ictal-Interictal SPECT Analysis by SPM)
- MDCT.net
- MedicalImaging.org
- MedImaging.net
- MR:Comp – Safety and Compatibility Testing for Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Therapy
- Out of the gray (Gy) podcast [Radiation Oncology]
- PET Scan
- Radiation Oncology blog
- RadiologyInfo: radiology information resource for patients
- Radiopaedia: free educational radiology resource with one of the web’s largest collections of radiology cases and reference articles.
- Scan Directory
- Siemens Ultrasound
- SPIE – the international society for optics and photonics
- Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions Ultrasound for Regional Anesthesia
- Webmodule Medische Beeldvorming
- Wolfram
- Taxonomieën
- Tijdschriften – zie ook lijst van Geneva Foundation for Medical Education
- American Journal of Roentgenology
- Applied Radiology Online
- BMC Medical Imaging
- Current Medical Imaging Reviews
- Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology (Turkish Society of Radiology)
- Dimag
- European Journal of Cancer Prevention
- International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery
- Journal of the American Journal of Radiology
- Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography
- Journal of Diagnostic Radiography and Imaging
- Journal of Radiology Case Reports
- Radiation Oncology
- RadioGraphics
- Radiology
- Society of Nuclear Medicine: JNM – JNMT
- The South African Radiographer
- Nucleaire geneeskunde/radiotherapie
- Straling en stralingsprotectie
- American Association of Medical Dosimetrists
- Applus
- ASN – Autorité de sûreté nucléaire (FR)
- AVS – Adviesbureau voor stralingsbescherming
- Belgische Vereniging voor stralingsbescherming
- Bel V: nucleaire reglementaire controle
- European Nuclear Society
- Global Dosimetry Solutions
- IAEA: International Atomic Energy Agency
- ICNIRP: International commission on non-ionizing radiation protection
- ICRP: International commission on radiology protection
- Instadose: dosimeters
- IRPA: International Radiation Protection Association
- Medical dosimetrists certification board
- Nederlandse Commissie voor Stralingsdosimetrie – NCS
- Projecto: metingsapparatuur
- Radio Detection Company
- Radioanatomie
- Radioanatomie.com (CHU Grenoble)
- Radiologie (meer…)
- ACR codification (radiology) – successors
- American Journal of Neuroradiology
- Belgian Society of Radiology
- ASNR – American Society of Neuroradiology
- European Socity of Radiology
- Nederlandse Vereniging voor Radiologie
- University of Alabama Department of Radiology (with Teaching Files)
- University of Washington Department of Radiology
- Verenigingen
- AETR: Asociación Española de Técnicos en Radiología
- AHRA: Association for medical imaging management
- AFITER: Association Francophone des Infirmiers et des Technologues Exerçant en Radiothérapie Belge
- American College of Radiology
- ASER: American Society of Emergency Radiology
- AVIR: Association of Vascular and Interventional Radiographers
- Belgian Hospital Physicist Association
- BRAVO: Belgian Radiation Oncology Awareness and Visibility Organization
- British Association of MR Radiographers
- British Society of Cardiovascular Imaging
- CAMRT: Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists
- EFOMP: European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics
- ESGAR: European Society of Gastrointestinal an Abdominal Radiology
- ESHNR: European Society for Head and Neck Radiology
- ESMRMB: Eorpoean Society for Magnetic Resonance in medicine and Biology
- ESR Eurosafe Imaging
- ESTRO: European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology
- European Association of Nuclear Medicine
- European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB)
- European Federation of Radiographer Societies
- European Respiratory System
- European Society of Breast Imaging
- European Society of Cardiac Radiology
- European Society of Muscoskeletal Radiology
- European Society of Radiology
- European Society of Thoracic Imaging
- ISMRM: International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
- International Skletetal Society
- ISRRT: International Society of Radiographers & Radiological Technologists
- ISUOG: International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
- NVKF: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Klinische Fysica
- NVMBR: Nederlandse Vereniging Medische beeldvorming en radiotherapie
- Ohio Society of Radiologic Technologists
- OTIMROEPMQ Ordre des technologues en imagerie médicale, en radio-oncologie et en électrophysiologie médicale du Québec
- radRounds: Connecting Radiology – Enhancing collaboration, education, and
networking - Sociedad Mexicana de Radiología e Imagen (SMRI)
- Société française de radiothérapie oncologique (SFRO)
- Society of Breast Imaging
- Society of Radiographers (SoR) (UK)
- SPIE: International Society for Optical Engineering
- unr.nur: radiologie – medische beeldvorming
- Vereniging Medisch Beeldvormers
- VVRO: Vereniging voor Verpleegkundigen Radiotherapie & Oncologie
- Wisconsin Society of Radiologic Technologists
- Cabiatl
- David Clunie
- DICOM Homepage
- The DICOM Standard (Chris Rorden)
- DICOM Standard Status
- DICOM viewers
- DICOM Software
- Adeptol DICOM viewer
- Aeskulap (open source)
- AMIDE – Amide’s a Medical Image Data Examiner (open source)
- Dicom Detective: protocol analysis and simulation software tool
dedicated to PACS maintenance people, DICOM servicemen, programmers, consultants, radiologists or people working with DICOM networks - DICOM ImageIO SPI provides read-only Java support for DICOM images
- dcm4che (open source)
- FreeSurfer (brain)
- ImageJ
- Inviweb: the common platform to DicomWorks (DICOM utility and teleradiology program); Invision (medical images database tool) ; GeneDraw (awarded pedigree charts – genetics software) ; TIM USB Transfer (digital camera utility).
- iRad – iRad is a DICOM workstation written in Cocoa for MacOSX. Using QuickTime, OpenGL, and open source databases iRad aims to provide an easy and efficient way to review medical images from CT, MRI, ultrasound, and other DICOM sources such as angiography … (open source)
- K-PACS: free, Windows-based DICOM viewer and PACS client/server, with product details, screenshots, and user forum
- Makhaon
- MicroDicom (free, Windows)
- Orthanc is a lightweight, RESTful DICOM server for health care and medical
research. - Osiris is a viewer for Papyrus / DICOM images
- OsiriX (Mac)
- Pavsonweb
- RadiAnt viewer
- XMedCon – Medical Image Conversion
Utility (open source) - YAKAMI DICOM Tools
- De lijst van IdoImaging, decm4iche
- RIS – Radiology Information System (kijk zeker ook bij Bedrijven)
- PACS (kijk zeker ook bij Bedrijven)
- Apollo PACS
- CDMEDIC PACS WEB (open source)
- CoActiv
- ConQuest
- DeJarnette
- Wellbeing Software
- Intelerad
- K-PACS (free)
- Leadtools
- MedQ
- Andere software
- Able Software
- BioEra (open source)
- DVTk (open source)
- FP Image
- Healthcare Exchange Protocol (open source)
- I Do Imaging
- ImageJ: image processing and analysis in Java
- ImgSvr.
- MeVisLab (open source)
- NIfTI: neuroimaging informatics technology initiative
- PatientKAPRecords: KAP evaluation and patient records in radiodiagnostic (open source)
- Renal Growth (open source)
- Rendoscopy: 3D visualization and data analysis
- Andere bronnen van informatie
- Advanced Medical Imaging
- AEIRS: Association of Educatios in Imaging and Radiological Sciences
- Anatomia Radiologica Basalis
- ASRT (Amerikaanse vereniging van Medische beeldvormers)
- AuntMinnie: radiology information, news, educational content, and commerce for the medical imaging community
- Cédric Hèle instituut (CHi): Vlaams kennis- en vormingscentrum voor psychosociale oncologie.
- The Computer Vision homepage
- David Clunie
- Diagnostic Imaging.com – a news service of diagnostic imaging
- EDL: European provider of IT solutions in the field of Radiology Information Systems (RIS)
- HealtImaging
- InnerBody
- International Society of Radiographers & Radiological Technologists
- Lumen – Structure of the human body
- Medical imaging.org
- MedImaging.net
- Montefiore: Applied Mathematics : Research – Tomography
- MRI Safety
- Radiation Protection Dosimetry (Journal)
- Chris Rorden
- RSNA – Radiological Society of North America
- SCK – CEN (BE)
- Shortcourses: A complete guide to digital cameras, digital photography, and digital video
- Radiological Society of North America
- Radiological Society of New Jersey
- RTstudents: radiology for students and professionals
- Scantips (scanning tips)
- Vesalius – the internet resource for surgical education
- Opleidingen
- Emory University School for Medicine
- Erasmus Radiography Group: exchange opportunities
- Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde do Porto
- ESOR: European School of Radiology
- FH Campus Wien
- Fontys University
- Galilée
- Hogeschool Inholland
- IRCAD Laparoscopic Training center
- Odisee
- Postgraduate studies in Advanced Medical Imaging
- Technological Educational Institution of Athens
- Turku Polytechnic
- UCD School of Medicine and Medical Science, Dublin
- University of Ljubljana
- University of Malta
- Update in Medical Imaging
- Webmodule Medische Beeldvorming
- Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT)