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- Learning how to build a Microsoft Azure Health Bot
- How to Get Alexa to Read Recipes Out Loud in the Kitchen
- The opportunity at home – can AI drive innovation in personal assistant devices and sign language?
- Are You Nearsighted or Farsighted? Here’s How to Make Windows More Accessible
- AYES: een app om blinden te helpen oversteken
- Exact Models of Aortic Heart Valves Help Prepare for Minimally Invasive Procedures
- Implantable Pump Delivers Chemotherapy to Brain Tumors
- Non-Invasive Spinal Modulation for Cerebral Palsy
- How Technology is Assisting Those With Chronic Conditions Amidst COVID
- Ultrasound Tornado Rapidly Disrupts Blood Clots
Big data
Diagnose en opvolging
- The Role of AI Technology in Cancer Detection, Diagnosis and Treatment
- Nanosensoren helpen bij kankerdetectie
- Crean una herramienta de IA capaz de predecir el riesgo de sufrir una enfermedad cardiaca a partir de imágenes de la retina
- Robotic Probe for Semi-Autonomous Colonoscopies
- Remote Monitoring for Cardiac Patients: Interview with Dr. Waqaas Al-Siddiq, CEO of Biotricity
- Usefulness of Smartphone Apps for Improving Nutritional Status of Pancreatic Cancer Patients: Randomized Controlled Trial
- Implementing Facilitated Access to a Text Messaging, Smoking Cessation Intervention Among Swedish Patients Having Elective Surgery: Qualitative Study of Patients’ and Health Care Professionals’ Perspectives
- Rapid eLearning For Healthcare Professionals: Strategies
- Communication Technology Use by Caregivers of Adolescents With Mental Health Issues: Systematic Review
- Effects of a WhatsApp-Delivered Education Intervention to Enhance Breast Cancer Knowledge in Women: Mixed-Methods Study
EPD en administratie
- User Experience of Mobile Personal Health Records for the Emergency Department: Mixed Methods Study
- La validité des ordonnances électroniques
- A European Health Data Space for people and science
- How to Add Your Official Medical Records to the iPhone’s Health App
- Tech Mahindra and Microsoft enhance patient experiences with intelligent communication capabilities
- EchoNous KOSMOS 3-in-1 Ultrasound, Electronic Stethoscope, and ECG Helps with COVID-19
- Científicos desarrollan piel robótica auto-reparable que imita la piel humana
- Microscopic Robots Made from White Blood Cells Could Treat and Prevent Life-Threatening Illnesses
- Magnetic Tentacle Robots for Minimally Invasive Procedures
- Implanted Ultrasound Lets Chemo Access Brain
- Een ring die in real-time gezondheidsgegevens opvolgt
- How IoT is Reshaping Healthcare
- Predicting Psychotic Relapse in Schizophrenia With Mobile Sensor Data: Routine Cluster Analysis
- Highly Maneuverable Magnetically Controlled Miniature Robots
- Make Healthy Home Cooking Easier With These 10 Smart Kitchen Gadgets
IT veiligheid
Mobile apps
- A Mobile App–Based Intervention Program for Nonprofessional Caregivers to Promote Positive Mental Health: Randomized Controlled Trial
- Exploring and Characterizing Patient Multibehavior Engagement Trails and Patient Behavior Preference Patterns in Pathway-Based mHealth Hypertension Self-Management: Analysis of Use Data
- Medische apps
- Evidence Builds for iPhone 12 Interference With Cardiac Devices
- How to Add Your Official Medical Records to the iPhone’s Health App
Protheses en tools voor patiënten
- MRI Safety Testing: Making Implants More Compatible with Magnetic Resonance Imaging – MedTech Intelligence
- Neuromodulation for Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome
- Soft Bioresorbable Implant Controls Pain by Cooling Nerves
- Battery-Free Device Acts as Artificial Cochlea
- Un patch redonne la parole aux malades de la SLA
- Augmented Reality in Real-time Telemedicine and Telementoring: Scoping Review
- Future of Specialty Telemedicine
- Health IT Trends and the Connected Patient Experience
- Científicos desarrollaron una piel electrónica que permite la comunicación táctil a distancia
- Effectiveness of Telecare Interventions on Depression Symptoms Among Older Adults: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Tools voor professionals
- Ultrasound Device to Rapidly Diagnose Sickle Cell Disease
- Text Analytics for health, now generally available, unlocks clinical insights and analytics
- Mobile Health Technology Interventions for Suicide Prevention: Systematic Review
- Jewel Wearable Cardioverter Defibrillator Could Help Prevent Sudden Cardiac Deaths
- Using mHealth to Increase the Reach of Local Guidance to Health Professionals as Part of an Institutional Response Plan to the COVID-19 Outbreak: Usage Analysis Study
- Wearability Testing of Ambulatory Vital Sign Monitoring Devices: Prospective Observational Cohort Study
- Wearable Devices in Diving: Scoping Review
- Next Steps in Wearables
- The 8 Health Data Points You Should Actually Pay Attention to on Your Fitness Tracker
- Wearable, Non-Invasive Sensor Measures Glucose in Sweat
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
- Impact of a Mobile Phone App to Increase Vegetable Consumption and Variety in Adults: Large-Scale Community Cohort Study
- Mobile Health for Pediatric Weight Management: Systematic Scoping Review
- Usability of a Mobile App for Real-Time Assessment of Fatigue and Related Symptoms in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis: Observational Study
- The Physical and Psychological Effects of Telerehabilitation-Based Exercise for Patients With Nonspecific Low Back Pain: Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial
- Wearable Device Heart Rate and Activity Data in an Unsupervised Approach to Personalized Sleep Monitoring: Algorithm Validation
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