Efficacy of mHealth Interventions for Improving the Pain and Disability of Individuals With Chronic Low Back Pain: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

de Melo Santana B, Raffin Moura J, Martins de Toledo A, Burke T, Fernandes Probst L, Pasinato F, Luiz Carregaro R Efficacy of mHealth Interventions for Improving the Pain and Disability of Individuals With Chronic Low Back Pain: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2023;11:e48204 URL: mhealth.jmir.org/2023/1/e48204 DOI: 10.2196/48204

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Impact of Mobile Apps in Conjunction With Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy on Patients’ Complications, Quality of Life, and Health-Related Self-Care Behaviors: Randomized Clinical Trial

Chen B, Lien H, Yang S, Wu S, Chiang H, Lin L Impact of Mobile Apps in Conjunction With Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy on Patients’ Complications, Quality of Life, and Health-Related Self-Care Behaviors: Randomized Clinical Trial JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2023;11:e48970 URL: mhealth.jmir.org/2023/1/e48970 DOI: 10.2196/48970

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El “ejercicio en pastilla” podría estar más cerca de lo que creemos. Y no sólo servirá para adelgazar.

El “ejercicio en pastilla” podría estar más cerca de lo que creemos. Y no sólo servirá para adelgazar. Un nuevo tratamiento probado en ratones es capaz de acelerar su metabolismo como si hubieran estado entrenando su resistencia www.xataka.com/medicina-y-salud/ejercicio-pastilla-podria-estar-cerca-que-creemos-no-solo-servira-para-adelgazar

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