Synthetic Antibody Prevents COVID Virus Replication | Medgadget Synthetic Antibody Prevents COVID Virus Replication
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Lees verderFeasibility, Usability, and Enjoyment of a Home-Based Exercise Program Delivered via an Exercise App for Musculoskeletal Health in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Short-term Prospective Pilot Study
Daly RM, Gianoudis J, Hall T, Mundell NL, Maddison R Feasibility, Usability, and Enjoyment of a Home-Based Exercise Program Delivered via an Exercise App for Musculoskeletal Health in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Short-term Prospective Pilot Study JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2021;9(1):e21094 URL: DOI: 10.2196/21094 PMID: 33439147
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Chen R, Santo K, Wong G, Sohn W, Spallek H, Chow C, Irving M Mobile Apps for Dental Caries Prevention: Systematic Search and Quality Evaluation JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2021;9(1):e19958 URL: DOI: 10.2196/19958 PMID: 33439141
Lees verderThe Temporal Relationship Between Ecological Pain and Life-Space Mobility in Older Adults With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Smartwatch-Based Demonstration Study
Mardini MT, Nerella S, Kheirkhahan M, Ranka S, Fillingim RB, Hu Y, Corbett DB, Cenko E, Weber E, Rashidi P, Manini TM The Temporal Relationship Between Ecological Pain and Life-Space Mobility in Older Adults With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Smartwatch-Based Demonstration Study JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2021;9(1):e19609 URL: DOI: 10.2196/19609 PMID:
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Doyle AM, Bandason T, Dauya E, McHugh G, Grundy C, Dringus S, Dziva Chikwari C, Ferrand RA Mobile Phone Access and Implications for Digital Health Interventions Among Adolescents and Young Adults in Zimbabwe: Cross-Sectional Survey JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2021;9(1):e21244 URL: DOI: 10.2196/21244 PMID: 33439136
Lees verderThe Human Factor in Automated Image-Based Nutrition Apps: Analysis of Common Mistakes Using the goFOOD Lite App
Vasiloglou MF, van der Horst K, Stathopoulou T, Jaeggi MP, Tedde GS, Lu Y, Mougiakakou S The Human Factor in Automated Image-Based Nutrition Apps: Analysis of Common Mistakes Using the goFOOD Lite App JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2021;9(1):e24467 URL: DOI: 10.2196/24467 PMID: 33439139
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Röhr S, Jung FU, Pabst A, Grochtdreis T, Dams J, Nagl M, Renner A, Hoffmann R, König HH, Kersting A, Riedel-Heller SG A Self-Help App for Syrian Refugees With Posttraumatic Stress (Sanadak): Randomized Controlled Trial JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2021;9(1):e24807 URL: DOI: 10.2196/24807 PMID: 33439140
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Can an AI Pet Robot Replace Traditional Cats and Dogs?
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Vasiloglou MF, van der Horst K, Stathopoulou T, Jaeggi MP, Tedde GS, Lu Y, Mougiakakou S The Human Factor in Automated Image-Based Nutrition Apps: Analysis of Common Mistakes Using the goFOOD Lite App JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2021;9(1):e24467 URL: DOI: 10.2196/24467 PMID: 33439139
Lees verderMobile Phone Access and Implications for Digital Health Interventions Among Adolescents and Young Adults in Zimbabwe: Cross-Sectional Survey
Doyle AM, Bandason T, Dauya E, McHugh G, Grundy C, Dringus S, Dziva Chikwari C, Ferrand RA Mobile Phone Access and Implications for Digital Health Interventions Among Adolescents and Young Adults in Zimbabwe: Cross-Sectional Survey JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2021;9(1):e21244 URL: DOI: 10.2196/21244 PMID: 33439136
Lees verderThe Temporal Relationship Between Ecological Pain and Life-Space Mobility in Older Adults With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Smartwatch-Based Demonstration Study
Mardini MT, Nerella S, Kheirkhahan M, Ranka S, Fillingim RB, Hu Y, Corbett DB, Cenko E, Weber E, Rashidi P, Manini TM The Temporal Relationship Between Ecological Pain and Life-Space Mobility in Older Adults With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Smartwatch-Based Demonstration Study JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2021;9(1):e19609 URL: DOI: 10.2196/19609 PMID:
Lees verderFeasibility, Usability, and Enjoyment of a Home-Based Exercise Program Delivered via an Exercise App for Musculoskeletal Health in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Short-term Prospective Pilot Study
Daly RM, Gianoudis J, Hall T, Mundell NL, Maddison R Feasibility, Usability, and Enjoyment of a Home-Based Exercise Program Delivered via an Exercise App for Musculoskeletal Health in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Short-term Prospective Pilot Study JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2021;9(1):e21094 URL: DOI: 10.2196/21094 PMID: 33439147
Lees verderExploring How Older Adults Use a Smart Speaker–Based Voice Assistant in Their First Interactions: Qualitative Study
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Chen R, Santo K, Wong G, Sohn W, Spallek H, Chow C, Irving M Mobile Apps for Dental Caries Prevention: Systematic Search and Quality Evaluation JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2021;9(1):e19958 URL: DOI: 10.2196/19958 PMID: 33439141
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