Primer trasplante de hígado robótico realizado con éxito en Estados Unidos Primer trasplante de hígado robótico realizado con éxito en Estados Unidos
Lees verderCategorie: Geneeskunde
App Converts Smartphone to Clinical Thermometer
App Converts Smartphone to Clinical Thermometer | Medgadget App Converts Smartphone to Clinical Thermometer
Lees verderMicrofluidic Chip Aids Tuberculosis Diagnosis
Microfluidic Chip Aids Tuberculosis Diagnosis | Medgadget Microfluidic Chip Aids Tuberculosis Diagnosis
Lees verderFiber Probes to Investigate Brain-Gut Relationship
Fiber Probes to Investigate Brain-Gut Relationship | Medgadget Fiber Probes to Investigate Brain-Gut Relationship
Lees verderNanopartículas que podrían tratar enfermedades pulmonares
Nanopartículas que podrían tratar enfermedades pulmonares Nanopartículas que podrían tratar enfermedades pulmonares
Lees verderBiodegradable Ultrasound Implant Helps Chemo Reach Brain
Biodegradable Ultrasound Implant Helps Chemo Reach Brain | Medgadget Biodegradable Ultrasound Implant Helps Chemo Reach Brain
Lees verderLa epilepsia encuentra esperanza en la robótica con innovadora cirugía cerebral asistida por robot en Canadá
La epilepsia encuentra esperanza en la robótica con innovadora cirugía cerebral asistida por robot en Canadá La epilepsia encuentra esperanza en la robótica con innovadora cirugía cerebral asistida por robot en Canadá
Lees verderCápsula videográfica miniaturizada: una revolución en la endoscopia
Cápsula videográfica miniaturizada: una revolución en la endoscopia Cápsula videográfica miniaturizada: una revolución en la endoscopia
Lees verderTemperature Feedback for Prosthetic Limbs
Temperature Feedback for Prosthetic Limbs | Medgadget Temperature Feedback for Prosthetic Limbs
Lees verderWearable Ultrasound for Deep Tissue Monitoring
Wearable Ultrasound for Deep Tissue Monitoring | Medgadget Wearable Ultrasound for Deep Tissue Monitoring
Lees verderCientíficos desarrollan piel robótica auto-reparable que imita la piel humana
Científicos desarrollan piel robótica auto-reparable que imita la piel humana Científicos desarrollan piel robótica auto-reparable que imita la piel humana
Lees verderRevolución en robótica: Mano artificial con sensibilidad humana
Revolución en robótica: Mano artificial con sensibilidad humana Revolución en robótica: Mano artificial con sensibilidad humana
Lees verderMachine Learning Aids Rapid Design of Protein Therapeutics
Machine Learning Aids Rapid Design of Protein Therapeutics | Medgadget Machine Learning Aids Rapid Design of Protein Therapeutics
Lees verderThe Dangers With Medical Self-Diagnosis Technology
The Dangers With Medical Self-Diagnosis Technology
Lees verderCell Phone Use Linked to Hypertension Risk?
Cell Phone Use Linked to Hypertension Risk?
Lees verderImplanted Ultrasound Lets Chemo Access Brain
Implanted Ultrasound Lets Chemo Access Brain | Medgadget Implanted Ultrasound Lets Chemo Access Brain
Lees verderCapsule Delivers Electrical Current to Stomach for Appetite
Capsule Delivers Electrical Current to Stomach for Appetite | Medgadget Capsule Delivers Electrical Current to Stomach for Appetite
Lees verderImmunotherapy Implant to Treat Pancreatic Cancer
Immunotherapy Implant to Treat Pancreatic Cancer | Medgadget Immunotherapy Implant to Treat Pancreatic Cancer
Lees verderKnitted Glove Massages the Hand to Treat Edema
Knitted Glove Massages the Hand to Treat Edema | Medgadget Knitted Glove Massages the Hand to Treat Edema
Lees verderUrine Test Could Reveal Cancer and Metastases
Urine Test Could Reveal Cancer and Metastases | Medgadget Urine Test Could Reveal Cancer and Metastases
Lees verderRF Technology for Health Monitoring
RF Technology for Health Monitoring: Michael Leabman, CTO of Movano Health | Medgadget RF Technology for Health Monitoring: Michael Leabman, CTO of Movano Health
Lees verderThe Role of 3D Micro Printing in Device Development
The Role of 3D Micro Printing in Device Development – MedTech Intelligence The Role of 3D Micro Printing in Device Development
Lees verderMobile Printer Produces Microneedle Vaccines
Mobile Printer Produces Microneedle Vaccines | Medgadget Mobile Printer Produces Microneedle Vaccines
Lees verderUltrasound Patch Delivers Drugs Through the Skin
Ultrasound Patch Delivers Drugs Through the Skin | Medgadget Ultrasound Patch Delivers Drugs Through the Skin
Lees verderGraphene Patch Affixes to Heart for Pacemaking
Graphene Patch Affixes to Heart for Pacemaking | Medgadget Graphene Patch Affixes to Heart for Pacemaking
Lees verderWound Dressing Detects Infection, Changes Color
Wound Dressing Detects Infection, Changes Color | Medgadget Wound Dressing Detects Infection, Changes Color
Lees verderNanoparticles Deliver mRNA Therapy to the Lungs
Nanoparticles Deliver mRNA Therapy to the Lungs | Medgadget Nanoparticles Deliver mRNA Therapy to the Lungs
Lees verderAI model developed for endotracheal tube placements in children
AI model developed for endotracheal tube placements in children
Lees verderGelatin-Based Surgical Sealant for Rapid Sealing Inside the Body
Gelatin-Based Surgical Sealant for Rapid Sealing Inside the Body | Medgadget Gelatin-Based Surgical Sealant for Rapid Sealing Inside the Body
Lees verderSmart Bandage Monitors and Treats Chronic Wounds
Smart Bandage Monitors and Treats Chronic Wounds | Medgadget Smart Bandage Monitors and Treats Chronic Wounds
Lees verderBiomimetic Construct Models Burn Injuries
Biomimetic Construct Models Burn Injuries | Medgadget Biomimetic Construct Models Burn Injuries
Lees verderMoving Cells Using Ultrasound
Moving Cells Using Ultrasound | Medgadget Moving Cells Using Ultrasound
Lees verderPrinting Bacteria to Make Bone-Like Structures
Printing Bacteria to Make Bone-Like Structures | Medgadget Printing Bacteria to Make Bone-Like Structures
Lees verderScientists Grow Electrodes Inside The Body
Scientists Grow Electrodes Inside The Body | Medgadget Scientists Grow Electrodes Inside The Body
Lees verderUltrasound Catheter to Treat Hypertension
Ultrasound Catheter to Treat Hypertension | Medgadget Ultrasound Catheter to Treat Hypertension
Lees verderImpresión 3D dentro del cuerpo humano
Impresión 3D dentro del cuerpo humano
Lees verderAnura, midiendo nuestra salud con solo una selfie desde el móvil
Anura, midiendo nuestra salud con solo una selfie desde el móvil
Lees verderHow Technology Is Improving Access to Medical Services for Rural and Remote Areas
How Technology Is Improving Access to Medical Services for Rural and Remote Areas
Lees verderOvarian Organoids to Study Reproductive Health
Ovarian Organoids to Study Reproductive Health | Medgadget Ovarian Organoids to Study Reproductive Health
Lees verderUna tinta con bacterias para producir biomateriales con impresoras 3D
Una tinta con bacterias para producir biomateriales con impresoras 3D
Lees verderCientíficos desarrollaron una piel electrónica que permite la comunicación táctil a distancia
Científicos desarrollaron una piel electrónica que permite la comunicación táctil a distancia
Lees verderRaman-Based Urine Sensor Detects Cancer Metabolite
Raman-Based Urine Sensor Detects Cancer Metabolites | Medgadget Raman-Based Urine Sensor Detects Cancer Metabolites
Lees verderAssociations Between Product Type and Intensity of Tobacco and Cannabis Co-use on the Same Day Among Young Adult Smokers: Smartphone-Based Daily-Diary Study
Nguyen N, Thrul J, Neilands T, Ling P Associations Between Product Type and Intensity of Tobacco and Cannabis Co-use on the Same Day Among Young Adult Smokers: Smartphone-Based Daily-Diary Study JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2023;11:e40736 URL: DOI: 10.2196/40736
Lees verderIngestible Sensor Reveals Gastric Motility
Ingestible Sensor Reveals Gastric Motility | Medgadget Ingestible Sensor Reveals Gastric Motility
Lees verderExclusive Look at HandX Robotic-Assisted Surgical Device from Human Xtensions
Exclusive Look at HandX Robotic-Assisted Surgical Device from Human Xtensions | Medgadget Exclusive Look at HandX Robotic-Assisted Surgical Device from Human Xtensions
Lees verder3D Bioengineered Skin Grafts Fit Complex Anatomy |
3D Bioengineered Skin Grafts Fit Complex Anatomy | Medgadget 3D Bioengineered Skin Grafts Fit Complex Anatomy
Lees verderUn nuevo tentáculo robótico suave para su uso en medicina
Un nuevo tentáculo robótico suave para su uso en medicina Un nuevo tentáculo robótico suave para su uso en medicina
Lees verder6 Ways Technology Can Help You Manage Diabetes
6 Ways Technology Can Help You Manage Diabetes
Lees verderUn implante cerebral más delgado que un cabello humano
Un implante cerebral más delgado que un cabello humano
Lees verderMicroneedle Bandage for Hemostatic Control
Microneedle Bandage for Hemostatic Control | Medgadget Microneedle Bandage for Hemostatic Control
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