Development and Preliminary Evaluation of the Effects of an mHealth Web-Based Platform (HappyAir) on Adherence to a Maintenance Program After Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Randomized Controlled Trial

Jiménez-Reguera B, Maroto López E, Fitch S, Juarros L, Sánchez Cortés M, Rodríguez Hermosa JL, Calle Rubio M, Hernández Criado MT, López M, Angulo-Díaz-Parreño S, Martín-Pintado-Zugasti A, Vilaró J Development and Preliminary Evaluation of the Effects of an mHealth Web-Based Platform (HappyAir) on Adherence to a Maintenance Program After Pulmonary

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Haptic Nudges Increase Affected Upper Limb Movement During Inpatient Stroke Rehabilitation: Multiple-Period Randomized Crossover Study

Signal NEJ, McLaren R, Rashid U, Vandal A, King M, Almesfer F, Henderson J, Taylor D Haptic Nudges Increase Affected Upper Limb Movement During Inpatient Stroke Rehabilitation: Multiple-Period Randomized Crossover Study JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2020;8(7):e17036 URL: DOI: 10.2196/17036 PMID: 32723718

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Acceptability of an Embodied Conversational Agent for Type 2 Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support via a Smartphone App: Mixed Methods Study

Baptista S, Wadley G, Bird D, Oldenburg B, Speight J, The My Diabetes Coach Research Group Acceptability of an Embodied Conversational Agent for Type 2 Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support via a Smartphone App: Mixed Methods Study JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2020;8(7):e17038 URL: DOI: 10.2196/17038 PMID: 32706734

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Perceptions of Patients Regarding Mobile Health Interventions for the Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Mixed Methods Study

Alwashmi MF, Fitzpatrick B, Farrell J, Gamble JM, Davis E, Nguyen HV, Farrell G, Hawboldt J Perceptions of Patients Regarding Mobile Health Interventions for the Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Mixed Methods Study JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2020;8(7):e17409 URL: DOI: 10.2196/17409 PMID: 32706697

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Assessing Apps for Patients with Genitourinary Tumors Using the Mobile Application Rating Scale (MARS): Systematic Search in App Stores and Content Analysis

Amor-García M, Collado-Borrell R, Escudero-Vilaplana V, Melgarejo-Ortuño A, Herranz-Alonso A, Arranz Arija J, Sanjurjo-Sáez M Assessing Apps for Patients with Genitourinary Tumors Using the Mobile Application Rating Scale (MARS): Systematic Search in App Stores and Content Analysis JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2020;8(7):e17609 URL: DOI: 10.2196/17609 PMID: 32706737

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A Community-Engaged Approach to Creating a Mobile HIV Prevention App for Black Women: Focus Group Study to Determine Preferences via Prototype Demos

Chandler R, Hernandez N, Guillaume D, Grandoit S, Branch-Ellis D, Lightfoot M A Community-Engaged Approach to Creating a Mobile HIV Prevention App for Black Women: Focus Group Study to Determine Preferences via Prototype Demos JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2020;8(7):e18437 URL: DOI: 10.2196/18437 PMID: 32706723

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A Wearable Technology Delivering a Web-Based Diabetes Prevention Program to People at High Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Randomized Controlled Trial

Staite E, Bayley A, Al-Ozairi E, Stewart K, Hopkins D, Rundle J, Basudev N, Mohamedali Z, Ismail K A Wearable Technology Delivering a Web-Based Diabetes Prevention Program to People at High Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Randomized Controlled Trial JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2020;8(7):e15448 URL: DOI: 10.2196/15448

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Use of a Machine Learning Program to Correctly Triage Incoming Text Messaging Replies From a Cardiovascular Text–Based Secondary Prevention Program: Feasibility Study

Lowres N, Duckworth A, Redfern J, Thiagalingam A, Chow CK Use of a Machine Learning Program to Correctly Triage Incoming Text Messaging Replies From a Cardiovascular Text–Based Secondary Prevention Program: Feasibility Study JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2020;8(6):e19200 URL: DOI: 10.2196/19200 PMID: 32543439

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Optimizing Smartphone-Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Body Dysmorphic Disorder Using Passive Smartphone Data: Initial Insights From an Open Pilot Trial

Weingarden H, Matic A, Calleja RG, Greenberg JL, Harrison O, Wilhelm S Optimizing Smartphone-Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Body Dysmorphic Disorder Using Passive Smartphone Data: Initial Insights From an Open Pilot Trial JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2020;8(6):e16350 URL: DOI: 10.2196/16350

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Health Gain, Cost Impacts, and Cost-Effectiveness of a Mass Media Campaign to Promote Smartphone Apps for Physical Activity: Modeling Study

Mizdrak A, Telfer K, Direito A, Cobiac LJ, Blakely T, Cleghorn CL, Wilson N Health Gain, Cost Impacts, and Cost-Effectiveness of a Mass Media Campaign to Promote Smartphone Apps for Physical Activity: Modeling Study JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2020;8(6):e18014 URL: DOI: 10.2196/18014 PMID: 32525493

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Effectiveness of a 3-Month Mobile Phone–Based Behavior Change Program on Active Transportation and Physical Activity in Adults: Randomized Controlled Trial

Ek A, Alexandrou C, Söderström E, Bergman P, Delisle Nyström C, Direito A, Eriksson U, Henriksson P, Maddison R, Trolle Lagerros Y, Bendtsen M, Löf M Effectiveness of a 3-Month Mobile Phone–Based Behavior Change Program on Active Transportation and Physical Activity in Adults: Randomized Controlled Trial JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2020;8(6):e18531

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Factors Influencing Acceptance of Personal Health Record Apps for Workplace Health Promotion: Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Study

Factors Influencing Acceptance of Personal Health Record Apps for Workplace Health Promotion: Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Study > Park HS, Kim KI, Soh JY, Hyun YH, Jang SK, Lee S, Hwang GY, Kim HS Factors Influencing Acceptance of Personal Health Record Apps for Workplace Health Promotion: Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Study JMIR Mhealth Uhealth

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Feasibility and Acceptability of a Text Message–Based Intervention to Reduce Overuse of Alcohol in Emergency Department Patients: Controlled Proof-of-Concept Trial

Burner E, Zhang M, Terp S, Ford Bench K, Lee J, Lam CN, Torres JR, Menchine M, Arora S Feasibility and Acceptability of a Text Message–Based Intervention to Reduce Overuse of Alcohol in Emergency Department Patients: Controlled Proof-of-Concept Trial JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2020;8(6):e17557 URL: DOI: 10.2196/17557 PMID: 32496203

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Comparing a Social and Communication App, Telephone Intervention, and Usual Care for Diabetes Self-Management: 3-Arm Quasiexperimental Evaluation Study

Chiu CJ, Yu YC, Du YF, Yang YC, Chen JY, Wong LP, Tanasugarn C Comparing a Social and Communication App, Telephone Intervention, and Usual Care for Diabetes Self-Management: 3-Arm Quasiexperimental Evaluation Study JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2020;8(6):e14024 URL: DOI: 10.2196/14024 PMID: 32484448

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