El vídeo de Neuralink mostrando a un hombre controlando un ordenador con el pensamiento

“Ha cambiado mi vida”: Elon Musk comparte un vídeo del primer paciente con un implante de Neuralink www.xataka.com/investigacion/ha-cambiado-mi-vida-elon-musk-comparte-video-primer-paciente-implante-neuralink El vídeo de Neuralink mostrando a un hombre controlando un ordenador con el pensamiento El vídeo de Neuralink mostrando a un hombre controlando un ordenador con el pensamiento

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Acabamos de encontrar una vía para decir “adiós a la colonoscopia” en el diagnóstico precoz del cáncer de colon: el ADN Las nuevas técnicas igualan los datos de las actuales, pero son mucho más sencilla de realizar

Acabamos de encontrar una vía para decir “adiós a la colonoscopia” en el diagnóstico precoz del cáncer de colon: el ADN Las nuevas técnicas igualan los datos de las actuales, pero son mucho más sencilla de realizar www.xataka.com/medicina-y-salud/acabamos-encontrar-via-para-poder-decir-adios-a-colonoscopia-diagnostico-precoz-cancer-colon-adn

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Microsoft makes the promise of AI in healthcare real through new collaborations with healthcare organizations and partners

Microsoft makes the promise of AI in healthcare real through new collaborations with healthcare organizations and partners – The Official Microsoft Blog blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2024/03/11/microsoft-makes-the-promise-of-ai-in-healthcare-real-through-new-collaborations-with-healthcare-organizations-and-partners/ New consortium of healthcare leaders announces formation of Trustworthy & Responsible AI Network (TRAIN), making safe and fair AI accessible to every healthcare organization – Stories news.microsoft.com/2024/03/11/new-consortium-of-healthcare-leaders-announces-formation-of-trustworthy-responsible-ai-network-train-making-safe-and-fair-ai-accessible-to-every-healthcare-organization/

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Mobile App Intervention of a Randomized Controlled Trial for Patients With Obesity and Those Who Are Overweight in General Practice: User Engagement Analysis Quantitative Study

Buss V, Barr M, Parker S, Kabir A, Lau A, Liaw S, Stocks N, Harris M Mobile App Intervention of a Randomized Controlled Trial for Patients With Obesity and Those Who Are Overweight in General Practice: User Engagement Analysis Quantitative Study JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2024;12:e45942 URL: mhealth.jmir.org/2024/1/e45942 DOI: 10.2196/45942

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