Digitalisering verwijsvoorschriften thuisverpleegkundige zorg – Recip-e Nieuwe visietekst, januari 2025 Digitalisering verwijsvoorschriften thuisverpleegkundige zorg
Lees verderCategorie: EPD en administratie
Acht ziekenhuizen verenigen in datanetwerk FHIN
Acht ziekenhuizen verenigen in datanetwerk FHIN – ZORG Magazine Acht ziekenhuizen bundelen datakracht – De Specialist
Lees verderBuilding Apps on Healthcare Data Solutions for Power Platform
Building Apps on Healthcare Data Solutions for Power Platform – Microsoft Community Hub
Lees verderLa validité des ordonnances électroniques
La validité des ordonnances électroniques | OTIMROEPMQ La validité des ordonnances électroniques
Lees verderCompliantChatGPT – ChatGPT, but HIPAA compliant
CompliantChatGPT – ChatGPT, but HIPAA compliant | Product Hunt
Lees verderPatient Referral Document Summarization using Azure OpenAI
Patient Referral Document Summarization using Azure OpenAI – Microsoft Community Hub
Lees verderDe digitale evolutie in de medische beeldvorming
De digitale evolutie in de medische beeldvorming – interview met huisarts Dr. Pieter Deprez over de digitalisering van de verwijsvoorschriften – Recip-e De digitale evolutie in de medische beeldvorming – interview met huisarts Dr. Pieter Deprez over de digitalisering van de verwijsvoorschriften
Lees verderImmediate EHR Access: Yea or Nea? Experts debate the benefit and burden of patients seeing sensitive cancer results before physicians.
Immediate EHR Access: Yea or Nea? Experts debate the benefit and burden of patients seeing sensitive cancer results before physicians.
Lees verderTech Mahindra and Microsoft enhance patient experiences with intelligent communication capabilities
Tech Mahindra and Microsoft enhance patient experiences with intelligent communication capabilities – Microsoft Community Hub
Lees verderThe Use of a Decision Support System (MyFood) to Assess Dietary Intake Among Free-Living Older Adults in Norway: Evaluation Study
Severinsen F, Andersen L, Paulsen M The Use of a Decision Support System (MyFood) to Assess Dietary Intake Among Free-Living Older Adults in Norway: Evaluation Study JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2023;11:e45079 URL: DOI: 10.2196/45079
Lees verderThe Underrated Variable of IoMT Device Security: Collaboration
The Underrated Variable of IoMT Device Security: Collaboration – MedTech Intelligence The Underrated Variable of IoMT Device Security: Collaboration
Lees verderIA et collecte des données de santé : quels sont les enjeux légaux ?
IA et collecte des données de santé : quels sont les enjeux légaux ?
Lees verderHow to Share Health Data in the iOS Health App
How to Share Health Data in the iOS Health App
Lees verderMedBlockx: Health Record – Your health in your pocket – medication reminders & more
MedBlockx: Health Record – Your health in your pocket – medication reminders & more | Product Hunt
Lees verderEntender la letra de los médicos parecía casi imposible. Hasta que llegó Google Lens
Entender la letra de los médicos parecía casi imposible. Hasta que llegó Google Lens
Lees verderGetting started with Virtual Visit Backup
Getting started with Virtual Visit Backup – Microsoft Tech Community
Lees verderHow to Share Health Data With Your Doctor on iOS
How to Share Health Data With Your Doctor on iOS
Lees verderHealthcare Shorts: Discharge Planning Huddle Board
Healthcare Shorts: Discharge Planning Huddle Board – Microsoft Tech Community
Lees verderA European Health Data Space for people and science
A European Health Data Space for people and science
Lees verderOptimizing Documentation in the EHR with Ambient AI
Voices of Healthcare Cloud brings you “Optimizing Documentation in the EHR with Ambient AI” – Microsoft Tech Community
Lees verderVoices of Healthcare Cloud brings you “Next Gen Patient Service Center”
Voices of Healthcare Cloud brings you “Next Gen Patient Service Center”
Lees verderProcessing HL7 FHIR nested objects using Power BI and Power Query!
Processing HL7 FHIR nested objects using Power BI and Power Query! – Microsoft Tech Community
Lees verderWhy Documents and Data Can No Longer Be Treated as Distinct Entities
Why Documents and Data Can No Longer Be Treated as Distinct Entities – MedTech Intelligence Why Documents and Data Can No Longer Be Treated as Distinct Entities
Lees verderDigitalisering in de zorg: “Een nieuwe tool volstaat niet”
Digitalisering in de zorg: “Een nieuwe tool volstaat niet” | Zorg Magazine Digitalisering in de zorg: “Een nieuwe tool volstaat niet”
Lees verderHow to Add Your Official Medical Records to the iPhone’s Health App
How to Add Your Official Medical Records to the iPhone’s Health App
Lees verderHealthcare Data Quality Issues Plague Several Hospitals – Are They Preventable?
Healthcare Data Quality Issues Plague Several Hospitals – Are They Preventable? – Healthcare Weekly
Lees verderExtracting Value from Data: Healthcare in Transformation
Extracting Value from Data: Healthcare in Transformation | MedTech Intelligence Extracting Value from Data: Healthcare in Transformation
Lees verderLa Santé numérique française doit devenir la première en Europe
La Santé numérique française doit devenir la première en Europe –
Lees verderA doctor, a researcher and an activist: Perspectives on how sharing data is advancing health care
A doctor, a researcher and an activist: Perspectives on how sharing data is advancing health care – On the Issues
Lees verderOvercoming challenges for data aggregation and management post-pandemic
Overcoming challenges for data aggregation and management post-pandemic | Healthcare IT News
Lees verderState of the Art in Adoption of Contact Tracing Apps and Recommendations Regarding Privacy Protection and Public Health: Systematic Review
Kolasa K, Mazzi F, Leszczuk-Czubkowska E, Zrubka Z, Péntek M State of the Art in Adoption of Contact Tracing Apps and Recommendations Regarding Privacy Protection and Public Health: Systematic Review JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2021;9(6):e23250 URL: DOI: 10.2196/23250
Lees verderSubsidie voor project beter gebruik gezondheidsgegevens
Subsidie voor project beter gebruik gezondheidsgegevens | Zorg Magazine Subsidie voor project beter gebruik gezondheidsgegevens
Lees verderThe EU Plans to Launch a Universal Digital Wallet
The EU Plans to Launch a Universal Digital Wallet
Lees verderUser Experience of Mobile Personal Health Records for the Emergency Department: Mixed Methods Study
Kim SM, Kim T, Cha WC, Lee JH, Kwon IH, Choi Y, Kim JS User Experience of Mobile Personal Health Records for the Emergency Department: Mixed Methods Study JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2020;8(12):e24326 URL: DOI: 10.2196/24326 PMID: 33320102
Lees verderUser Experience of Mobile Personal Health Records for the Emergency Department: Mixed Methods Study
Kim SM, Kim T, Cha WC, Lee JH, Kwon IH, Choi Y, Kim JS User Experience of Mobile Personal Health Records for the Emergency Department: Mixed Methods Study JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2020;8(12):e24326 URL: DOI: 10.2196/24326 PMID: 33320102
Lees verderEffective Use of Mobile Electronic Medical Records by Medical Interns in Real Clinical Settings: Mixed Methods Study
Kim S, Ku S, Kim T, Cha WC, Jung KY Effective Use of Mobile Electronic Medical Records by Medical Interns in Real Clinical Settings: Mixed Methods Study JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2020;8(12):e23622 URL: DOI: 10.2196/23622 PMID: 33320098
Lees verderUser Perceptions of Virtual Hospital Apps in China: Systematic Search
Wang Y, Liu Y, Shi Y, Yu Y, Yang J User Perceptions of Virtual Hospital Apps in China: Systematic Search JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2020;8(8):e19487 URL: DOI: 10.2196/19487
Lees verderAugmedix Uses AI and Remote Scribes to Improve Clinician Documentation: Interview with Founder Ian Shakil
Augmedix Uses AI and Remote Scribes to Improve Clinician Documentation: Interview with Founder Ian Shakil | Medgadget Augmedix Uses AI and Remote Scribes to Improve Clinician Documentation: Interview with Founder Ian Shakil
Lees verderVerzekeringsartsen kunnen meekijken in uw medisch dossier
Verzekeringsartsen kunnen meekijken in uw medisch dossier Wat als… elke verzekeringsarts in uw digitaal medisch dossier kan? ‘Tien onbekenden keken mijn dossier in’ ook:
Lees verder‘Zorgconsument terughoudend met delen medische data’
‘Zorgconsument terughoudend met delen medische data’ ‘Zorgconsument terughoudend met delen medische data’
Lees verderMint Founder Launches EHR Solution for Hospital Emergency Departments
Mint Founder Launches EHR Solution for Hospital Emergency Departments | Medgadget Mint Founder Launches EHR Solution for Hospital Emergency Departments
Lees verderPatiënten klagen over privacy e-dossiers: ‘Data worden gedeeld zonder toestemming’
Patiënten klagen over privacy e-dossiers: ‘Data worden gedeeld zonder toestemming’ | De Morgen
Lees verderPatient Hub: Architecture Overview
Patient Hub: Architecture Overview – Microsoft Tech Community – 751341
Lees verderHealthvault stopt ermee
Microsoft trekt in november de stekker uit zijn dienst Healthvault. Ik kreeg deze mdedeling: Avis important concernant votre service Microsoft HealthVault Le service Microsoft HealthVault ne sera plus disponible le 20 novembre 2019 Cet avis contient des informations importantes de l’équipe HealthVault à Microsoft. Veuillez lire cet avis immédiatement ; il contient des
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Nieuwe tool Microsoft verplaatst patiëntgegevens naar de cloud 11 febr 2019 Nieuwe tool Microsoft verplaatst patiëntgegevens naar de cloud
Lees verderZombie-EPD
Bedenkingen bij de mislukking van een EPD “Zombie-EPD” 2 jan 2013
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