ECR: AI and radiology

ECR: Generative AI yields potential for assisting radiologists | AuntMinnie ECR: Integrating AI into radiology workflows benefits the environment | AuntMinnie  

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Ahora mismo hay 4500 estudiantes norteamericanos aconsejados psicológicamente por un chatbot. Es solo el principio

Ahora mismo hay 4500 estudiantes norteamericanos aconsejados psicológicamente por un chatbot. Es solo el principio Sabemos que la psicoterapia es efectiva. Lo que no sabemos es cómo escalarla. La IA está intentando cambiar eso

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The current state of AI in OT

The current state of AI: Its role in treatment planning | AOTA October 2024 – What should Occupational Therapists consider if using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Practice

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AdvaMed itemizes AI imperatives for ‘the entire healthcare ecosystem’

AdvaMed itemizes AI imperatives for ‘the entire healthcare ecosystem’ Leverage existing regulatory frameworks and promote international alignment to ensure timely patient access to innovative AI/ML-enabled medical technologies. Protect privacy of patient data with transparency and consent. Enable access to data and utilization for the benefit of patients. Develop and

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CMIMI 2024 AI news

Resources > Conference > CMIMI > CMIMI 2024 | AuntMinnie CMIMI: LLMs can monitor AI software after deployment | AuntMinnie CMIMI: ChatGPT classifies clinically significant breast pain | AuntMinnie CMIMI: CT-based AI framework improves splenomegaly diagnosis | AuntMinnie

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