Controlar un brazo robótico con la mente ya no es ciencia ficción: un avance que transforma la vida de personas con parálisis Controlar un brazo robótico con la mente ya no es ciencia ficción: un avance que transforma la vida de personas con parálisis
Lees verderCategorie: e-health
Primer implante cerebro-espinal que devuelve la movilidad: China da un paso histórico en neurotecnología
Primer implante cerebro-espinal que devuelve la movilidad: China da un paso histórico en neurotecnología Primer implante cerebro-espinal que devuelve la movilidad: China da un paso histórico en neurotecnología
Lees verderEste controlador bucal “made in Spain” hace posible lo que parecía impensable: usar cualquier dispositivo sin manos
Este controlador bucal “made in Spain” hace posible lo que parecía impensable: usar cualquier dispositivo sin manos MouthX es un controlador bucal made in Spain que permite usar dispositivos electrónicos sin manos, ofreciendo precisión milimétrica y mucha versatilidad
Lees verderAxon-R: La innovadora interfaz cerebro-computadora que devuelve el habla a pacientes con ELA
Axon-R: La innovadora interfaz cerebro-computadora que devuelve el habla a pacientes con ELA Axon-R: La innovadora interfaz cerebro-computadora que devuelve el habla a pacientes con ELA
Lees verder¿Puede la inteligencia artificial detectar el deterioro cognitivo? Un avance prometedor
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Lees verderAI models hallucinate, and doctors are okay with that
AI models hallucinate, and doctors are okay with that • The Register Eggheads call for comprehensive rules to govern machine learning in medical settings
Lees verderGenerative AI model validated in chest x-ray study
Generative AI model validated in chest x-ray study | AuntMinnie Value of Using a Generative AI Model in Chest Radiography Reporting: A Reader Study | Radiology
Lees verderAI boosts identification of incident vertebral fractures on chest CT
AI boosts identification of incident vertebral fractures on chest CT | AuntMinnie
Lees verderDigitalisering verwijsvoorschriften thuisverpleegkundige zorg
Digitalisering verwijsvoorschriften thuisverpleegkundige zorg – Recip-e Nieuwe visietekst, januari 2025 Digitalisering verwijsvoorschriften thuisverpleegkundige zorg
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ChatGPT vs chirurgien : le match de l’information
Lees verderSi la pregunta es cómo cazar antes el Alzheimer, Samsung cree tener la respuesta: un juego para tablet de 45 minutos
Si la pregunta es cómo cazar antes el Alzheimer, Samsung cree tener la respuesta: un juego para tablet de 45 minutos
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Lees verderLiNote : Une tablette pensée pour simplifier la vie des seniors et de leurs proches
Tablette LiNote : votre parent n’a rien à toucher ! LiNote : Une tablette pensée pour simplifier la vie des seniors et de leurs proches – Hacavie LiNote : Une tablette pensée pour simplifier la vie des seniors et de leurs proches
Lees verderJana, el robot social que revoluciona la comunicación en entornos clínicos
Jana, el robot social que revoluciona la comunicación en entornos clínicos Jana, el robot social que revoluciona la comunicación en entornos clínicos
Lees verderPrimary care is primed for AI. But is AI aligned with primary care?
Primary care is primed for AI. But is AI aligned with primary care?
Lees verderECR: AI and radiology
ECR: Generative AI yields potential for assisting radiologists | AuntMinnie ECR: Integrating AI into radiology workflows benefits the environment | AuntMinnie
Lees verderLLM Mistral rivals GPT-4 Turbo for extracting clinical history elements
LLM Mistral rivals GPT-4 Turbo for extracting clinical history elements | AuntMinnie
Lees verderAI helps predict kidney function decline in Lu-177 patients
AI helps predict kidney function decline in Lu-177 patients | AuntMinnie
Lees verderSurvey on Pain Detection Using Machine Learning Models: Narrative Review
Fang R, Hosseini E, Zhang R, Fang C, Rafatirad S, Homayoun H Survey on Pain Detection Using Machine Learning Models: Narrative Review JMIR AI 2025;4:e53026 URL: DOI: 10.2196/53026
Lees verderComparative Effectiveness of Wearable Devices and Built-In Step Counters in Reducing Metabolic Syndrome Risk in South Korea: Population-Based Cohort Study
Joung K, An S, Bang J, Kim K Comparative Effectiveness of Wearable Devices and Built-In Step Counters in Reducing Metabolic Syndrome Risk in South Korea: Population-Based Cohort Study JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2025;13:e64527 URL: DOI: 10.2196/64527
Lees verderAI tool diagnoses diabetes, HIV and COVID from a blood sample
AI tool diagnoses diabetes, HIV and COVID from a blood sample
Lees verderAhora mismo hay 4500 estudiantes norteamericanos aconsejados psicológicamente por un chatbot. Es solo el principio
Ahora mismo hay 4500 estudiantes norteamericanos aconsejados psicológicamente por un chatbot. Es solo el principio Sabemos que la psicoterapia es efectiva. Lo que no sabemos es cómo escalarla. La IA está intentando cambiar eso
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Accessible L&D For Learners With Limited Motor Skills – eLearning Industry
Lees verderNew AI model successfully segments anatomic structures in MR images
New AI model successfully segments anatomic structures in MR images | AuntMinnie
Lees verderLa IA devuelve la voz a personas con enfermedades neurodegenerativas
La IA devuelve la voz a personas con enfermedades neurodegenerativas La IA devuelve la voz a personas con enfermedades neurodegenerativas
Lees verderPublic trust in medical AI use low
Public trust in medical AI use low | AuntMinnie
Lees verderDesigning Content For Learners With Hearing Impairments
Designing Content For Learners With Hearing Impairments – eLearning Industry
Lees verderYou Can Use Your Browser Password Manager If You Take These 5 Precautions
You Can Use Your Browser Password Manager If You Take These 5 Precautions
Lees verderAI model annotates pediatric AXR reports
AI model annotates pediatric AXR reports | AuntMinnie
Lees verderTo prepare tomorrow’s doctors for evidence-based medicine, instruct today’s med students in dHealth and AI
To prepare tomorrow’s doctors for evidence-based medicine, instruct today’s med students in dHealth and AI
Lees verderOnline Learning For Mental Health Professionals To Earn CEUs
Online Learning For Mental Health Professionals To Earn CEUs – eLearning Industry
Lees verderThe Use of Artificial Intelligence and Wearable Inertial Measurement Units in Medicine: Systematic Review
Smits Serena R, Hinterwimmer F, Burgkart R, von Eisenhart-Rothe R, Rueckert D The Use of Artificial Intelligence and Wearable Inertial Measurement Units in Medicine: Systematic Review JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2025;13:e60521 URL: DOI: 10.2196/60521
Lees verderUse ChatGPT-4 to extract additional imaging recs in radiology reports
Use ChatGPT-4 to extract additional imaging recs in radiology reports | AuntMinnie
Lees verderFDA warns of cybersecurity vulnerabilities in patient monitors
FDA warns of cybersecurity vulnerabilities in patient monitors
Lees verderGPT-4 could prove useful proofreading CT reports
GPT-4 could prove useful proofreading CT reports | AuntMinnie
Lees verderThe Effects of Self-Monitoring Using a Smartwatch and Smartphone App on Stress Awareness, Self-Efficacy, and Well-Being–Related Outcomes in Police Officers: Longitudinal Mixed Design Study
de Vries H, Delahaij R, van Zwieten M, Verhoef H, Kamphuis W The Effects of Self-Monitoring Using a Smartwatch and Smartphone App on Stress Awareness, Self-Efficacy, and Well-Being–Related Outcomes in Police Officers: Longitudinal Mixed Design Study JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2025;13:e60708 URL: DOI: 10.2196/60708
Lees verderEffectiveness of an mHealth Intervention With Short Text Messages to Promote Treatment Adherence Among HIV-Positive Mexican Adults: Randomized Controlled Trial
Del Moral Trinidad L, Andrade Villanueva J, Martínez Ayala P, Cabrera Silva R, Herrera Godina M, González-Hernández L Effectiveness of an mHealth Intervention With Short Text Messages to Promote Treatment Adherence Among HIV-Positive Mexican Adults: Randomized Controlled Trial JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2025;13:e57540 URL: DOI: 10.2196/57540
Lees verderCybersécurité : L’UE lance un plan d’action pour le secteur de la santé
Cybersécurité : L’UE lance un plan d’action pour le secteur de la santé – Le Monde Informatique
Lees verderDeep learning helps find, segment lung tumors on CT imaging
Deep learning helps find, segment lung tumors on CT imaging | AuntMinnie
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Healthcare And Life Sciences, And eLearning Platforms – eLearning Industry
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Acht ziekenhuizen verenigen in datanetwerk FHIN – ZORG Magazine Acht ziekenhuizen bundelen datakracht – De Specialist
Lees verderAI in the ICU (and elsewhere): Less stress, better conditions, alleviated shortages
AI in the ICU (and elsewhere): Less stress, better conditions, alleviated shortages
Lees verderAI will transform early cancer detection, save lives in 2025
AI will transform early cancer detection, save lives in 2025 | AuntMinnie
Lees verderA China le falta tanta gente para cuidar a millones de ancianos que ha tomado una decisión inédita: robots
A China le falta tanta gente para cuidar a millones de ancianos que ha tomado una decisión inédita: robots
Lees verderA new computational model can predict antibody structures more accurately
A new computational model can predict antibody structures more accurately | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Everyone Should Try These 6 Windows Accessibility Features
Lees verderDeep learning plus DCE-MRI predicts breast cancer treatment respons
Deep learning plus DCE-MRI predicts breast cancer treatment response | AuntMinnie
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Clarion | Automate phone based workflows with conversational AI Clarion AI Reviews: Use Cases, Pricing & Alternatives
Lees verderCirugía autónoma: Cómo los robots están aprendiendo a operar viendo vídeos
Cirugía autónoma: Cómo los robots están aprendiendo a operar viendo vídeos Cirugía autónoma: Cómo los robots están aprendiendo a operar viendo vídeos
Lees verderText Messaging Versus Postal Reminders to Improve Participation in a Colorectal Cancer Screening Program: Randomized Controlled Trial
Vives N, Binefa G, Travier N, Farre A, Panera J, Casas B, Vidal C, Ibáñez-Sanz G, Garcia M, M-TICS research group Text Messaging Versus Postal Reminders to Improve Participation in a Colorectal Cancer Screening Program: Randomized Controlled Trial JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2025;13:e64243 URL: DOI: 10.2196/64243
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