La metodología CRAP (Currency-Reliability-Authority-Purpose) puede servir a la hora de determinidar la fiabilidad de una fuente de información.
- How recent is the information?
- How recently has the website been updated?
- Is it current enough for your topic?
- What kind of information is included in the resource?
- Is content of the resource primarily opinion? Is is balanced?
- Does the creator provide references or sources for data or quotations?
- Who is the creator or author?
- What are the credentials? Can you find any information about the author’s background?
- Who is the published or sponsor?
- Are they reputable?
- What is the publisher’s interest (if any) in this information?
- Are there advertisements on the website? If so, are they cleared marked?
Purpose/Point of View
- Is this fact or opinion? Does the author list sources or cite references?
- Is it biased? Does the author seem to be trying to push an agenda or particular side?
- Is the creator/author trying to sell you something? If so, is it clearly stated?
CRAP Test – Learn about Evaluating Sources – LibGuides at Colorado Community Colleges Online