Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Informatie
- Free Programing Resources: Java
- Cursussen
- Tools
- BlueJ: The Interactive Java Environment
- Eclipe: open source Java IDE
- Install4J: multi-platform Java installer builder that generates native installers and application launchers for Java applications
- IntelliJIDEA: Java IDE
- JBoss
- Mango is a Java library consisting of a number of iterators, algorithms and functions, loosely inspired by the C++ Standard Template Library.
- YourKit: JavaProfiler
- Code
- Codetoad
- HotScripts
- Scripts ASP, C/C++, Perl, PHP, Java, JavaScript
- Bibliotheken
- Apache Log4j
- Apache Pivot
- DOM4J: XML framework for Java
- FreeHEP
- Google Guava
- Hibernate ORM
- Java WordNet Library (JWNL)
- JFreeChart
- Jsoup
- Vaadin: user interface components for web apps